What is a hackathon?      Challenges      Who         Mentors & Jury         Agenda


Are there parts of your work in the lab that take up valuable research time? Do you have an idea that could speed up the write up process in the Electronic Lab Notebook?  Are you up for the challenge of using your skills to make more time for science?

Join your colleagues at the ELN Hackathon to revolutionize your day-to-day lab tasks through digital transformation

AstraZeneca is inviting employees in Macclesfield and Gothenburg to think outside the box, and get creative across teams, departments and the North Sea!

With the support from mentors, coaches and colleagues, your projects will be viewed by top management who are on the lookout for innovation at AstraZeneca.

What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is an event, typically 48 hours, which brings together lab users, developers, designers, business savvy individuals and idea generators—as well as change makers and movers & shakers—to work together in a sprint-like environment to produce a prototype or digital solution.

With coaches, mentors and lots of fun along the way, a hackathon is an experience like no other, and a great way to challenge yourself. The BeMyApp team are serial hackathon organisers and will be there to help you throughout the hackathon.

So, what’s your big idea you’ll be working on?....


After a deep dive into pain points of working in the lab, these challenges have been set to inspire solutions that will transform and simplify your life in the lab.

Each team should address one of the following challenges:

The Voice UI Challenge

Create a prototype of a solution that uses UI to boost the efficiency of the write-up process

The AR Quest 

Create a dashboard or interface to aid collaboration between scientists

The API/Connectivity Mission 

Create an API or a digital solution to ease the transmission of data between environments and instruments

Why Join

Take a leap into the world of innovation, win big prizes, and stay tuned as they are soon to be revealed!

Who can attend

This event is open to all AstraZeneca employees with forward-thinking ideas, a thirst for transformation, and knowledge of the use case. To help you get the most out of the short time frame, below are some useful guidelines for forming teams.

Don’t have a team yet? Want to sign up as an individual? Not a Coder or Developer? Don’t worry—teams will be formed and finalised at the hackathon! This is a great opportunity to work with colleagues that you don’t normally cross paths with.

Building your team

Teams should consist of 4-6 members. To ensure all skill sets are covered, each team should have (atleast) one of each of the profiles listed below

Lab scientists


ELN Provider

A notebook expert on your team will help you arrive at a solution feasible for the existing technology available in the lab.

1-2 lab gurus in your team will ensure your solutions are going to hit the nail on the head and address current pain points.

Having 1 or 2 developers on your team will help turn that idea into a fully working prototype

Business Analysts


An idea is just an idea without a business mind to gather the stats and facts to prove to the jury that your solution is the most valuable.

Although these profiles can be rare, if you can recruit a design guru for your team, it will help form the user interface aspect.


Day 1

Day 2

09:00 - Breakfast

09:30 - Teamwork

11:00 - AV / logistics tests

13:00 - Lunch

15:00 - End of code / Jury Briefing

15:30 - Final demos

17:00 - Jury Deliberations

17:30 - Winners announcement

09:00 - Breakfast / registration

09:30 - Welcome and official launch

10:00 - Idea pitches

10:30 - Team formation

11:00 - Coding begins

12:00 - Workshop #1

13:00 - Lunch

14:30 - Launch dual site Twitter Challenge

15:00 - Code, code, code…

16:00 - Mentor Pitstop

17:00 - Project Page deadline

17:30 - How to give a Kick Ass Demo

18:30 - Pizza!

19:30 - Drone race

21:00 - Leave site


The ELN Hackathon will be taking place at two locations simultaneously - the AstraZeneca offices in Macclesfield and Gothenburg.


Have a question about the event?

Send an email to samhart@bemyapp.com


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